I laughed out loud several times, cried at least twice, and marveled at your wisdom, admittedly often taught by your children, but wisdom you in turn pass on to me. Thank you for all of it, and thank you for bringing so much magic into my life.
Thanks to your "shameless plug" on Instagram (aka a cute video from a talented friend), I was so beautifully reminded of the meaning of the holidays and more importantly, relishing in the true magic of my own little girls.
I laughed out loud several times, cried at least twice, and marveled at your wisdom, admittedly often taught by your children, but wisdom you in turn pass on to me. Thank you for all of it, and thank you for bringing so much magic into my life.
Aw thank you so much!!! I’m so glad, it’s the least I can do! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks to your "shameless plug" on Instagram (aka a cute video from a talented friend), I was so beautifully reminded of the meaning of the holidays and more importantly, relishing in the true magic of my own little girls.
Aw this is so sweet of you to say, Tamara!! I’m so glad you liked it and hope this is a wonderful season for you and your beautiful family! ❤️❤️
This is such a good reminder during this time of year. It can be so easy to get caught up in doing all the things. Thank you for sharing! ♥️
I’m so glad you liked it! Thank you!
Loved reading this, Joy!
I’m so glad! Thanks for reading it!!
I love this!! Very well put.
Thank you! 😘